Full Disclosure It's beginning, This was bound to happen. The past few hours with you, Seem like a dream. If I stutter, On what I have to tell you. The words I want to speak, Will not break free.. I have lived all of my life, Locked away without a key. There's magic deep down in my heart, I want you to see. Trembling, Trembling. Cuz there's a price to pay, For being in love with me. Please forgive me, I've never had this happen. The past few hours with you, Have messed with me. Now this may scare you, What I need to tell you, I just wanted you to know, It's real. The pause after my whisper, It just seems so apropos, And I try to see the answer, In your eyes, but I don't know.. Trembling, Trembling. Over the thoughts I have, Of being in love with you. Trembling, Trembling. Cuz there's a price to pay, For being in love with me. If it matters, I could have never told.